Meet Alex Tse


Team LeaderAlex Tse

Alex Tse has a distinguished reputation for providing outstanding personal service and professional representation to his valued clients. Through his in-depth knowledge of the greater East Bay and 680 Corridors real estate market, Alex provides trusted and sound expertise. As a Frazzano Tse Team co-founder, Alex’s clients receive a unique advantage. In collaboration with the Frazzano Tse Team, Alex delivers an unprecedented depth of real estate expertise that ensures that his client’s needs are thoroughly attended to. Whether it’s establishing a marketing plan, showings for a property, or a review of the technical points of the transaction, Alex Tse and his team produce impressive results.
Specializing in the marketing and sales of single-family residential properties, Alex is highly resourceful in developing effective marketing strategies that maximize each property’s exposure to the most qualified buyers. When working with sellers, Alex utilizes staging services and professionally produced marketing and sales materials that accentuate each property’s specific features. 

Skillfully taking every measure to position their property to stand out in the marketplace, he designs a beautiful presentation with professional photography and extensive visibility on numerous internet sites. When working with buyers, Alex Tse, a Real Estate Agent, carefully takes the time and attention to evaluate and prioritize his client's goals so that he may skillfully find a home that meets their budget and lifestyle. Regardless of the time and effort it takes, Alex works with diligence and dedication to find his clients their ideal property.

Alex takes great care in serving each client with individual attention and carefully listens to each client’s specific needs. He is very thorough in providing constant communication about each vital transaction detail. He is always highly attentive, and accessible, and responds promptly to his clients. He is solution orientated and is focused on how to get through obstacles and deliver results that meet his client’s personal real estate goals. He is a strong negotiator and persistent in negotiating the best terms in each transaction for his clients. When met with a tough challenge, he is very creative, strategic, and skillful in working through the issues. Alex is a professional who is truly responsive to each client’s specific requirements and is dedicated to providing exceptional expertise and professional representation.

Alex was born and raised in Walnut Creek and currently resides in Danville with his wife Cristina, his sons Roman and Maverick, and their pet cats. Alex’s hobbies include spending time with his family, golfing, and traveling.

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Meet Alex

As co-founder of the Frazzano Tse Team, Alex Tse has built a distinguished reputation for delivering exceptional service and expert representation. With deep roots in Walnut Creek and extensive knowledge of the Greater East Bay and 680 Corridor, he provides trusted market insight and a client-first approach to every transaction. His commitment to excellence, combined with the collaborative power of the Frazzano Tse Team, ensures clients receive unparalleled support and outstanding results.

Specializing in single-family residential properties, Alex takes pride in developing tailored marketing strategies that maximize exposure and attract qualified buyers. From staging and professional photography to strategic online promotion, he ensures every listing stands out in a competitive market.

When working with buyers, Alex prioritizes understanding their unique goals and lifestyle needs, offering patient guidance and persistence to help them find the perfect property. Whether helping sellers achieve top dollar or guiding buyers to their dream home, his resourcefulness, dedication, and strategic approach make all the difference.

Known for his proactive communication, creative problem-solving, and negotiation expertise, Alex navigates complex transactions with ease and professionalism. His ability to overcome challenges and secure the best outcomes is a testament to his deep industry knowledge and unwavering commitment to client success.

Beyond real estate, Alex enjoys spending time with his wife, Cristina, their sons, Roman and Maverick, and their pet cats. A Danville resident, he loves golfing, traveling, and creating lasting memories with his family.


Alex Tse

Your Trusted Real Estate Advisor / Team Leader
760 Camino Ramon Ste 200 Danville CA 94526


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